There is much growing up that we need to do and much that God is up to in our journey of discovering, developing and delivering our calling. This week, as I was praying for myself and for a friend, God spoke two words: courage and humility. I’ve been wondering why those two words.
Courage and humility seems particularly critical in the days that we are living in and seem intrinsically linked together.
Courage is needed in this time of intimidation by the world and by religious systems. I feel it. The threat not to be wrong, fanatical, misinformed or an embarrassment. The threat of loosing something important like a position or a place or a relationship. We need courage to offer what we see, hear and know so that we can deliver counsel, creativity, correction or collaboration.
But courage without humility is often experienced as arrogance, dominance, insensitivity, harshness, and elitism. This is no different than the world.
Humility is needed in this time of “worldly spiritualism” where high decibels, dollars and dominance are the marks of effectiveness. Humility infuses kindness, caring, love, honesty (in other words, relationship) into our courageous offerings. Humility gives us perspective. Humility guards our heart.
Phillips Brooks said, “The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is.”
It was reported that before retiring to bed, Theodore Roosevelt would often gaze at the sky, searching for a tiny patch of light near the constellation of Pegasus, and recount, “It is as large as our Milky Way. It is one of a hundred million galaxies. It consists of one hundred billion suns, each larger than our sun.” Then he would walk to his bedroom saying, “Now I think I am small enough.”
- Courage causes us to run toward a need. Humility stops us from running over people.
- Courage causes us to hold tightly to what is right and true. Humility allows us to hold loosely our current understanding.
- Courage causes us to speak truth unapologetically. Humility allows us to listen to others.
- Courage causes us to help another. Humility allow us not to demand something in return be-it some sort of personal benefit or their immediate change.
“Do not be afraid – I am with you! I am your God – let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.” – Isa. 41:10 (GNT)
So, I pray for courage and humility for myself…and for you – my friend.
Deeply helpful words for my journey right now – bless you, brother!
Gary-thank you for this clarification between what the world sees as Courage and Humility and what the Gospels teaches- Peace and Love – Ron
thank you Gary. These are indeed, helpful words!
“I feel it.”
So do I, Gary. Deeply.
Stunning in its importance.
Thank you for putting words to something I have been mulling over for the past 3 months.
For me, this is your best post, ever,
…and that is saying something.
God, bring much, much good fruit from this!
The timing of your words and encouragement couldn’t be more spot on! Thank you Gary.
Comment from David Leach: I really appreciate this message. I too have been hearing them without even realizing it.
I know my calling is leading me to the arena of talk radio, along with the writing I do on my website.
I’ve often found myself struggling with being “strident” in my convictions without being puffed up.
Particularly since my work involves the political arena and I find little support from brothers
and sisters.
Humility is the answer. It’s a word that is often seen as weakness, but in reality, it provides great strength.
It allows us to be bold and strong in our convictions while staying dependent on the Father at the same time.
Or as you wrote: “Courage causes us to hold tightly to what is right and true. Humility allows us to hold loosely our current understanding.”
Those words were for me, my friend. I am grateful.
David Leach
Thank you for this, Gary. This was timely.
I think of Philippians 2, Jesus emptied himself. Now that’s both courage and humility. And He is right now calling us to have the same mind and love. Yes, it is needed now. Christians, stop hiding behind religion.
Yes there is that fear, and there seems to always be that fear… but it’s best to do what you’ve been called to do, and let the others worry about themselves. Thanks so much for this reminder!
I just read this again from the Monday morning email post. I appreciate the word about needing humility with our courage. It occurs to me that hearing from God is key to this (as with everything). For instance, when we encounter hardship of some kind because of our courage, it may be because we were walking in courage without humility, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Having courage and humility does not guarantee no opposition, it doesn’t guarantee that nobody is going to say, “You’re not being humble!”, or “You’re being harsh!” It may be that we are being harsh, or not. The difference is that we take what is said and view it in the context of what we are hearing from God…