Here are 3 powerful questions that reveal our level of being alert and oriented:
1. Are you ignoring the evidence that God loves you?
This is the most profound question. The degree to which we believe, really believe, that we are deeply seen and loved by God is the degree to which we can purely, purposefully and powerfully offer ourself to the world around us.
God is constantly showing us His love. We just need to see it.
2. Are you ignoring the evidence that God has given you something weighty to offer to others?
Our heart is constantly speaking to the aspect of the glory of God (His splendor, brilliance, beauty, strength) that He has given us to offer to others. Our calling reveals itself in our desires – what we care deeply about, what captures our attention, what moves us. It is our unique way of thinking, perceiving, understanding and relating.
God is constantly revealing our calling. We just need to see it.
3. Are you ignoring the evidence that you are needed?
Our life, our presence, our heart is needed more than we know. God constantly puts us in situations and relationships that need our way of thinking, perceiving, understanding and relating.
God is constantly exposing us to the need the world has of our life. We just need to see it.
Let’s live each day alert and oriented to the evidence of God’s love, our calling and the world’s need of our life.
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