Have you ever caught yourself slouching – standing or sitting smaller than you actually are? I do quite often now-a-days. I’m occasionally alerted to my poor posture when I see a picture that somebody’s taken of me in a casual, unaware moment. When I force myself to straighten up I feel taller, lighter, stronger and more vibrant.
I’m guessing that right now you’re adjusting your posture.
What causes us to shrink as we get older, to not stand at our full stature? Medical research says it’s deterioration caused by the unrelenting weight of life, as well as lack of exercise and nutrients.
The gravitational force that allows life to work on earth is the same force that, over time, makes work more difficult in this life.
Under the weight of the first great commission in Genesis to rule, subdue and bring to fruitfulness the things in our life and in this broken world, we can begin to shrink and draw-down.
There is a posture, a stance, an alignment to the life God has given us, the life we are to exhibit and offer to the world.
The solution to this slouching posture is not some sort of spiritual or emotional back brace, it’s simply to stand straight, to stand tall, to push against the forces of this world. The mere act of straightening-up develops the needed muscle and encourages others to do the same.
Let’s not shrink back, become feeble or reduce our presence.
Scripture say, “For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you… God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:6, 7
Your presence, your effect, your gifting, your very life is needed now more than ever.
God has given us the strength to stand tall, strong and vibrant: “I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit.” Eph. 3:16 (NLT)
Standing, not slouching, with you,
Ha! You nailed me.
You said, “I’m guessing that right now you’re adjusting your posture.” I was sitting straighter just as I read that line.
Then I bent over laughing at myself.
But it wasn’t a hunching!
Sam, are you saying that you are actually taller than you look?
Good word.
It feels often that my ‘default settings’ from the factory are set to “small”. And many life experiences + my own interpretation of those experiences seem to confirm that the ‘default settings’ are correct. But God has been calling me up & out of that smallness – I believe – all of my life. It is only in this last decade that I have been able to hear him more clearly and choose to do something other than ‘stay off the radar screen’.
In fact, your life & words have been so helpful to me towards getting back in the arena. While critics still exist, I am willing & desiring to be one man in the arena – accompanied by many other allies of like mind & heart.
Thank you, Buz. You look pretty tall to me and to the other men that know you.
Gary, this is quite an encouraging post and catches me at a time when I feel the weight of a layoff, unethically small severance, and starting my own consulting practice. It feels crushing but this encouraging post and other scriptures reminds me to be strong & have faith.
Scott, my friend, hang in there. I’m glad this was encouraging for you this morning.
Gary! I am almost in shock at the razor sharp closeness of God to Brad and I right now. God already gave this message to me and Brad, partly back on October 22 and the rest early this morning as we were getting out of bed and long before we read this. May His name be praised on this day. One more glorious day with Him!
Needless to say… thanks for sharing this.
Wow, God is an amazing choreographer.
Thanks Gary,
“Kindle afresh the gift within you” is another confirming aspect of His leading me right now.
Buz, “staying off the radar” is exactly what i have been trying to do for a long time.
Perhaps someone else could be encouraged by my memory of a definition of humility which has been helping me get back on the radar:
“Bringing everything i have to the ‘game’ (my gifts, $,passion, experience, insight) with no thought of personal gain.”
I am finding when i have “no thought of personal gain”….i can really be powerfully and properly motivated again. Love 🙂
That’s a really great phrase. Thanks for bring that here.
I really love this, it’s exactly what our Father has been showing me lately. It’s really made a difference in my life. My goal is that I’m able to pass it on. Thank you. I lve when two or more agree.
Ok, we’ll stand at our real, God-given height together.
Hi Gary,
Really good words. The metaphor of gravity is a brilliant insight. I feel the effect of it as I get older. Discouragement and unfulfilled expectations and stagnation leave me feeling hunched over, curled up. It’s a sort defensive posturing I slip into.
Your words are a refreshing and needed reminder… A call to back to the land of the free and the brave. I feel taller already!
Thanks always for sharing,