Paluxy Pedal Again
Saturday, October 7th, my brother, Carroll, and I rode the Paluxy Pedal in Glen Rose. This was my fourth time riding this, and our second time to ride this together. …
Saturday, October 7th, my brother, Carroll, and I rode the Paluxy Pedal in Glen Rose. This was my fourth time riding this, and our second time to ride this together. …
The first thing we saw after exiting the rental car shuttle bus and entering the doors at the Denver International Airport terminal was a long line of people with …
Cyndi and I have traveled more than usual this past spring, including two international trips. I thought we were done for the year until Cyndi signed up for an …
I received a letter recently from Stan Blevins, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Ackerly, Texas, and Lynda Perry, Chair of the Anniversary Committee. It was …
Cyndi and I married on July 28, 1979, so this summer is our 44th anniversary. A few years ago I realized one way to celebrate was to spread love around, give love …
This was a comment made to Lisa Thompson by one of her climbing partners as they were preparing to practice crossing a ladder across a crevasse with crampons …
“Consider well the highway,the road by which you went.”(Jeremiah 31:21, ESV) “Blessed are those whose strength is in you,whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”(Psalm 84:5, NIV) …
This week I had a Zoom conversation with two men who live in Saudi Arabia. One I’ve known for twenty years and the other a new friend. The reason for the meeting …
… is what she asked first. B: “Why do you ask?” C: “You have a red whelp above your left eye. What happened?” B: (While touching my forehead) “I bumped it against …
We started our adventure in Al Bad’a, a town located in what was ancient Midian, at The Well of Moses, where it is believed Moses met his wife Zipporah after fleeing …
I wrote this in November 2007, only days after losing a city-wide election following 12 years of public service. I recently rediscovered this while studying to teach John 13. …
I attended an Ash Wednesday service this week. It was only my second time for such a thing; the other was ten years ago. This time, it was a combined service that …