John Wooden said, “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
This is such a profound and helpful piece of advise. So often we won’t explore, try or offer …
I question our practice of painting biblical heroes more heroically than the Bible does. Hiding the faults of our heroes robs us of grace. That’s why the Bible doesn’t hide them.
I once suggested we …
Does it feel like each week is an opportunity for God to uncover the “good stored up in your heart” or to reveal the disappointment you have been and will be?
I’m sure we have all frequently felt the …
(The Blog-On-Video is at the bottom of this page)
It seems so hard to “nail down” what our calling is and what we should do.
A short while back, I attended a Branding conference put on by Free Agent …
It is natural to shudder when we think about the tests of God. They seem so scary. Yet I believe the tests of God are the key to hope and joy. Let me explain.
I began flying lessons in 1997. These …
(The blog-on-video is at the bottom of the page.)
It’s amazing how encouraging and comforting hearing the phrase “me too” can be.
I’ve had the opportunity to say “me too” many …
(This blog on video is at the bottom of this page)
So often my heart goes to “God, do something – show me what you want me to do, open a door, make a way.” Then there is silence and …
Why do so many people—with incredible conversions—parent children who leave Christianity? History overflows with great saints whose offspring lose faith:
Samuel was a mighty prophet of God. His sons …
Walking off the map – Conversation with Michael Williams
Gary and Sam asks Michael Williams about the significant life course-changes that have taken place over the past 7 years. This is a …
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recently elected to reject “In Christ Alone” for their next hymnal. Their committee originally chose it but wanted to replace one phrase with altered lyrics. The …
I had a chance to get an update on a friend’s story early this summer. (It was at our new It’s Your Time Weekend). I was struck by the interaction of God in his life. I was both inspired and …
I used to know a guy—just an everyday guy—who was a perfectly pleasant person. Then success spoiled him.
I first met him on a client visit where he was a mid-level manager. Fifteen years ago, through …