Living in The Moment
A fascinating Alert & Oriented Webcast with Pablo Giacopelli, tennis coach of world-class players and author of Holding on Loosely; Finding Life in the Beautiful …
A couple of weeks ago Christians celebrated the Ascension of Jesus. Do you ever wonder why we celebrate the Ascension? I understand celebrating the birth of Jesus, and his resurrection, and even his …
Sam Williamson shares this great story at the Calling events that I wanted to get out to you. It really is quite profound.
Fifteen years ago, a client asked me to speak at a conference. The …
I wonder sometimes if the greatest problem facing the modern church is a lack of wonder.
When we were kids, all kinds of experiences brought wonder. Our first trip to the zoo filled us with wonder. …
These two pictures show Mt. St. Helens. One was taken on May 17, 1980, and the other was taken several days later.
Beneath the calm exterior of a majestic mountain boiled an inner life that would …
I’m discovering that meditation is one of the most powerful ways to hear God. No, “powerful” isn’t a strong enough word. Meditation may be the most profound, deep, life-changing, heart-enriching way …
By Sam Williamson.
A few years ago, a client of mine visited us for a series of meetings. He asked for a restaurant recommendation, and I suggested The Gandy Dancer, my favorite restaurant. The very …
I know a man, a really good man, whose life is filled with drudgery. He dutifully cares for his wife and family; he dutifully pours out his life in service; and he dutifully attends to work. He …
There’s a story about the artist Michelangelo who passed by a block of marble somewhere. He stopped transfixed and said, “I see an angel in there. Quick, bring me my chisel.”
This story illustrates …
Thirty years ago I lived and worked in London with several other men. We were involved in campus ministry and the charismatic renewal. One housemate—let’s call him Tom—spent a couple hours in …
Cynthia Heimel lived in New York in the 1970s and she knew actors and artists before their fame—while they were still bussing tables and driving cabs—but she also knew them after their fame. She wrote …
When do we start moving into our calling, into our desire? Sam, Jeff and I talk about this question. You will find several graphics that we refer to on a blog with the same title.
(Right click …