Saturday, October 7th, my brother, Carroll, and I rode the Paluxy Pedal in Glen Rose. This was my fourth time riding this, and our second time to ride this …
The first thing we saw after exiting the rental car shuttle bus and entering the doors at the Denver International Airport terminal was a long line of people with …
Cyndi and I have traveled more than usual this past spring, including two international trips. I thought we were done for the year until Cyndi signed up for an …
I received a letter recently from Stan Blevins, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Ackerly, Texas, and Lynda Perry, Chair of the Anniversary Committee. It was …
Cyndi and I married on July 28, 1979, so this summer is our 44th anniversary. A few years ago I realized one way to celebrate was to spread love around, give love …
This was a comment made to Lisa Thompson by one of her climbing partners as they were preparing to practice crossing a ladder across a crevasse with crampons …
“Consider well the highway,the road by which you went.”(Jeremiah 31:21, ESV)
“Blessed are those whose strength is in you,whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”(Psalm 84:5, …
Cynthia Heimel was a writer who lived in New York in the 70’s. She knew actors and artists before they became famous, while they were still bussing tables and driving cabs. But she also knew them …
This week I had a Zoom conversation with two men who live in Saudi Arabia. One I’ve known for twenty years and the other a new friend. The reason for the meeting …
… is what she asked first.
B: “Why do you ask?”
C: “You have a red whelp above your left eye. What happened?”
B: (While touching my forehead) “I bumped it …
When I was nine years old, I hit my sister. (I’m sure she deserved it). My parents were not happy. They sat me on the sofa. They told me that my behavior was unacceptable. They asked me if I wanted to …
We started our adventure in Al Bad’a, a town located in what was ancient Midian, at The Well of Moses, where it is believed Moses met his wife Zipporah after fleeing …