I wrote this in November 2007, only days after losing a city-wide election following 12 years of public service. I recently rediscovered this while studying to teach John …
Last week I read a puzzling passage in Hebrews. So baffling it even felt (if I can write this without being struck dead by a bold of lighting), it felt bizarre: “See to it that no one is sexually …
I attended an Ash Wednesday service this week. It was only my second time for such a thing; the other was ten years ago. This time, it was a combined service that …
My old software company created software for the publishing industry. During a visit with one of our Christian publishers, an executive asked my advice about how he should counsel an employee who was …
We (Cyndi, Katie, two granddaughters, and me) spent four days before Christmas at Disney World, and one of the surprising highlights of our week was a drawing …
It’s no secret – I’m a man of lists. I love making lists, whether shopping lists, to-do lists, book lists, running and biking lists, hiking lists, blood pressure and …
August of 2019 and 2020 Kevin and I recorded these conversations in light of this day. His desire was to share his story and what he had learned over the years of God’s grace and guidance. …
An essential part of the discovery process is looking back at your life analytically in order to discovery clues about your calling through the things you’ve loved and the things you didn’t, the …
A little while back I listened to a podcast interview with two women who lost their husband to suicide. Both these men were mid-life lead pastors with a growing church. Among the many …
It irritates me when I hear someone use an old, overused saying. Especially with a dramatic pause or look right after the phrase, as if to say, “you’ve probably never heard that before”.One of those …
Monday morning, while sitting in my favorite booth in Whataburger, I read from John 14, when Jesus was drawing very near to his death and was sharing his last …