The desire for my life and for yours, which I’ve dedicated my heart to, is that we live a noble-hearted life. The life that Jesus described in his story about the seed and the sower:
“The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” Luke 8:15
This verse alludes to development over time and consequently the need to persevere. One of the key elements of perseverance is perspective. It’s when I lose perspective that hardships feel unfair and overwhelming.
As Dan Allender wrote, “Stories don’t give answers, but they do offer perspective.” Hearing the honest stories of God’s work in people’s lives offers perspective and encouragement.
So, I have created a video series titled, Glimpses into the Journey of a Noble Heart, where you will hear stories from ordinary men and women who have been pursuing this noble-hearted life.
Each person’s journey story will be broken down into 3 minute segments with a primary point and exploratory questions. This is designed for individual and small group use.
Small group suggestion: Allow 15 minutes for each video segment with discussion of questions, covering all 4 segments in 1 hour. Click the “Airplay” button on the bottom right of the video screen to play through your TV or click the “Full Screen” button to expand the video on your computer.
Berry Simpson’s story, part 1 or 4:
Don’t let this simply be a glimpse into Berry’s story. Let this create a glimpse into your story.
- What was stirred in your heart as you watched this video?
- How would you articulate what you know about your calling, your compelling at this point in your life?
- What do you love to do?
- What is your artistry?
- Have you diminished what you care deeply about because you aren’t paid for it?
Berry Simpson’s story, part 2 or 4:
Don’t let this simply be a glimpse into Berry’s story. Let this create a glimpse into your story.
- What was stirred in your heart by Berry’s story?
- Who were the major influences in your life growing up, negative or positive?
- What did they teach you with their words or example, negative or positive?
- Often, a negative experience can become a positive understanding in learning, by experience, what not to do. What would those be for you?
- What have others deposited in your life that has shaped how you do life and walk with God today?
Berry Simpson’s story, part 3 or 4:
Don’t let this simply be a glimpse into Berry’s story. Let this create a glimpse into your story.
- What was stirred in your heart by Berry’s story?
- Looking back at your younger years, what were you good at?
- What did others say you were good at? (parent, relative, teacher, coach, pastor, friend, co-worker, boss)
- What is it that you love doing?
- What is it that you are compelled to do?
- What have you continued to do throughout the years without compensation?
Berry Simpson’s story, part 4 or 4:
Don’t let this simply be a glimpse into Berry’s story. Let this create a glimpse into your story.
- What was stirred in your heart by Berry’s story?
- What have you learned about how you are to live life; about ministry?
- What has God spoken to you about you, the course of your life, your effect / calling?
You can find more about Berry Simpson on:
- His Facebook page
- His blog page: What I’ve Learned So Far
- His books: Running with God; Retreating with God; Remolded: Stories From a Changed Heart