Following God
We were at our daughter Katie’s house in Mansfield, deciding when to eat Thanksgiving Dinner, when I said, “I didn’t expect following God to be trial-and-error.” …
We were at our daughter Katie’s house in Mansfield, deciding when to eat Thanksgiving Dinner, when I said, “I didn’t expect following God to be trial-and-error.” …
I recently made my annual trip to Colorado for Base Camp Gathering, a men’s weekend with The Noble Heart ministries, at Bear Trap Ranch. It’s my opportunity to …
One morning, in my Daily Bible, I read a long hammerfest by the prophet Amos against a collection of evil nations: the Syrians, Philistines, Tyre, Edomites, …
Paul Simon sang, There must be fifty ways to leave your lover, which was a fun song in 1975, but turned out not to be the life I was interested in. I preferred Dan …
“I’m going to walk” was the first thing I said to a quiet room and sleeping Cyndi. I was still prone in bed, but my inclination was in the direction of getting up. …
Do you enjoy practicing? As in, music, or dance, or sports … those are the categories I think of most when I hear the word practice. …
Why is it that the hardest things are often the most fun? I’m thinking about last week’s bike ride near Durango and how it …
Last Sunday morning I skipped church and drove to the lake. Not to fish, but to run. I parked in one of the lots on the west side of White Rock Lake in Dallas, …
It was windy when I left home on my bike last Tuesday for a quick midday ride. But the air was clear; no dust. To be honest, …
“Grace abounds through music,” said Manuel Lopez, one of the leaders of Coro Philarmonico, an organization in Guatemala City that rescues kids and young adults …
My plan, the one I’ve been talking about and writing about for so long, was to spend forty days hiking the Colorado Trail. Instead, I spent six. I was defeated by …
We’re planning to move my dad into Hospice Care tonight, Thursday, March 30. I don’t expect him to last much longer. He hasn’t been able to swallow food or liquids in a week, can’t open …