“I not aware of any God-given desires or passions written on my heart. If I did, I don’t think I’d know what to do with them. What do I do?”
Several weeks ago, I did a live …
There once was a great king who ruled with wisdom and grace. One day a gardener arrived at court with a great carrot. He said to the king, “O King, this is the finest carrot I have ever grown. I wish …
Written by Sam Williamson
In The Princess Bride, the criminal genius Vizzini repeatedly and inappropriately exclaims, “Inconceivable.” His partner Inigo Montoyo finally reflects, “You keep using that …
I’ve been intrigued by the phrase “noble simplicity and quiet grandeur” which was used by the German art historian Johann Jachim Winckelmann describing the Greek aesthetic. (I don’t want to sound …
At one particular moment in my life, not long ago, I asked God what He doing in my life. He brought to me Heb. 12:27 – not necessarily a verse I wanted to hear. I was hoping for something like “Well …
Chris Fabry Live with Gary Barkalow 4 17 13
The Chris Fabry Live show talked with Gary Barkalow on the topic of: The Big Questions: Knowing God’s Will. Chris is a great interviewer, a great …
There is something we love to offer; some particular, powerful way that we see, hear and/or perceive. When we are aware and clear on what we have to offer (our glory: brilliance, strength, beauty, …
Boundless Podcast Feb 2013
An interview with the host of the Boundless Show, a ministry of Focus on The Family, talking about calling for 20-somethings.
(Click the play button to listen now or right …
Twenty-five years ago a client asked me to meet with her president for an hour-long lunch. Her president was an industry innovator. But, she told me, the president was also almost wordlessly …
I have the fun and privilege of talking to many people each week by phone, email, chat and in person at Base Camp, retreats, on radio interviews, podcasts and over a cup of coffee. Each person’s …
Alert and Oriented Webcast with a Sage
A conversation with Tom Mohn, a man who has walked with God many years, who is filled with wisdom, love, perspective, faith, perseverance and grace – …
An Alert & Oriented Webcast with Pat Morley
A conversation with Pat Morley, author and founder of Man In The Mirror.
(Click the play button to listen now or right click small podcast title under …