I’ve been intrigued by the phrase “noble simplicity and quiet grandeur” which was used by the German art historian Johann Jachim Winckelmann describing the Greek aesthetic. (I don’t want to sound like something I’m not – an intellectual and a broad-reader. I ran across this expression on the Internet as I was researching the word “noble”.)
To live a life of “noble simplicity and quiet grandeur” seems right and true. For, it is the man or woman with “a noble and good heart, who…produce a crop.” (Luke 8:15) We are to live in “simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” (2 Cor. 11:3) We are to be “a display of God’s splendor.” (Isa. 61:3) And, we are to “be completely humble, gentle and patient…” (Eph. 4:1,2)
A life of “noble simplicity and quiet grandeur” stated another way would be: A life that is magnificent (lofty) and yet unpretentiousness (genuine), majestic (splendid) and yet unobtrusive (humble).
This is the life that you and I, as those who have been restored and released by the work of Christ, have been given. But, it is not the life that this world values and therefore it must be battled for. As Paul disclosed, “I press on (strenuously pursue) to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” (Phil. 3:12) In other words, living this life of “noble simplicity and quiet grandeur” is hard-won. Why?
Because, we are up against so much resistance to this authentic life, this pilgrim’s life which is characterized as traveling lightly with great purpose.
We encounter the vastness and complexity of life.
We encounter the expectations, demands and verdicts on us by our culture.
We encounter the overwhelming needs that surround us.
Thomas Merton wrote, “To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is itself to succumb to the violence of our times. Frenzy…destroys the fruitfulness of our work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.”
Perhaps the greatest assault against us living this life is the belief that we hold deeply in our heart about who we are, what we have to offer and how life works. This belief or image that has been formed over decades of interaction with our world has everything to do with the type of life we choose to live; in other words the plan that we form of how we will interact with our world. Prov. 20:5 says that “a plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it out.
Years ago I asked God to reveal to me what I truly believed about myself since He knows my heart better than me. Instantly, Radar O’Reilly in the TV series M.A.S.H. came to mind and it made complete sense. You see, Radar O’Reilly was accepted in the “player’s circle” because he could do things for them. He was needed for what he could do, not wanted for who he was; which had become my personal philosophy – the life-plan which had been scratched into my heart over the years. Therefore, my life was filled with trying to prove myself and earn my way into relational and work circles through carrying heavier loads and working longer hours. It was not a life of “noble simplicity and quiet grandeur”, but rather to have “succumb to the violence of our times” as Merton wrote.
Paul said that we can “exchange the truth of God for a lie” (Rom. 1:25) which is exactly what I had done because the lie remained in darkness unaddressed.
I confessed my accepting / agreeing with this lie, renouncing it and announcing the truth of scripture about my life.
Jesus said, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:31)
Peter wrote, “I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you… to stir you up by way of reminder.” (2 Peter 1:12)
Paul admonishes us to “stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth” (Eph. 6: 14)
Let us strenuously pursue this magnificent (lofty) and yet unpretentiousness (genuine), majestic (splendid) and yet unobtrusive (humble) life God has given us and called us to – that we my alter the world.
Your friend and ally,
Thanks, Gary!
You’re welcome.
Hard to respond briefly.
I guess what comes to mind is something I read recently that said the older I become the less I worry about what I have or havent done and the more I focus on what I have or havent become.
I like that becuase it motivates me to become more than I am for others as well as seek God’s “Quiet Grandeur” by having a relationship with Him whatever my circumstances.
By seeking that relationship, I am less compelled to pursue the counterfeits to satisfaction in this life. It’s a battle to ignore the counterfeits and shortcuts in life but I believe it results in the “Noble Simplicity” you desribe.
Well said Jim.
Great read. Thank you.
Your welcome Jason.
Yes, yes, yes! Isaiah 30:15 comes to mind: “in quietness and in trust shall be your strength”. This is a great reminder. Thanks Gary.
As I (re)read this I am sitting on the porch of a cabin in the mountains. I have been watching the squirrels work / play as they recognize winter is fast approaching. Above, several ravens are also doing / being what they do and who they are. The artist, like those squirrels, isn’t thinking about someone else’s place or task, but rather they each pursue “that one thing” they have been given to do. One of the primary things I like about you, Gary, and the ministry of the Noble Heart is the help you offer to “awaken” the knowledge of our place in the Kingdom, and your commitment to walk with us all to “deepen” (and make intimate) that growing understanding; but the “fulfilling” of the knowledge of our place in the Kingdom is what I most want to experience and walk in. For me walking with God (the work / play He has given me) is about discovering, deepening and fulfilling that one place I have in His Kingdom. “What we believe about… who we are, what we have to offer and how it all works” Indeed!
Jerry, thank you for these images and thoughts. You have encouraged me and brought further clarity as to my God-created effect. You’re a good friend.
Gary… these words are so weighty and G-O-O-D. Brad and I have a daughter Maria whose baby shower is tonight in Astoria, Oregon. (The trip will mean I have to miss tomorrow night’s campfire.) Her heart seems more open than ever, or at least since she was a child and very much a follower of Jesus.
Brad had so lived his last year in that experience of taking the risk to offer his real self. And it was blessing people at church unimaginably. He had begun to become a “real” dad especially for our son… but of the three, Maria lived farthest away. They were just on the cusp of deep heart reconciliation for sure. Somehow, miraculously, God is continuing to parent her and love on her and restore the years. Please pray that I will continue on as described in your second paragraph. Pray that these kids and grandkids will enter in to this covenant God has already made with them, and the intimacy and grace of His love.
Candace, you have such a humble and beautiful heart, as Brad had. Yes, I will pray for this. In my experience of you, you are an example of the second paragraph that you referred to. Gary