Years ago, I ran across this statement from Oswald Chambers – “Soak continually in the one great truth of which you have had a vision; take it to bed with you, sleep with it, rise up in the morning with it. Continually bring your imagination into captivity to it and slowly and surely as the months and years go by, God will make you one of His specialists in that particular truth.” This has directed my life for several decades.
There is always some particular truth that we are captured, fascinated or compelled by – an idea that we want to explore and understand more deeply. A field of study that we truly enjoy and never get bored with. This “particular truth” may also be experienced as the unique way we see or hear – what we are attuned too.
One of the joys that has carried me through the mundane and repetitive aspects of life has been my study of calling – through reading, observation, conversation, reflection and evaluation. I’ve never been paid to study this subject, nor offered a degree. I’ve just been fascinated by this particular truth and have always enjoyed it.
For me, the subject of calling not only possess the quality of “strength of desire”, but also “consistency of desire” (which I write about in It’s Your Call and talk about in the Glory of Your Life CD series). Chambers’ description of “taking it to bed with you, sleeping with it, rising up in the morning with it, continually bringing your imagination into captivity to it” has been my story with the idea of calling.
I had a friend recently ask me what she should do with her passion for “mentoring kids – especially adolescent girls and young women…wanting them to know their true value.” She went on to say, “I want to serve God by serving these young women…I don’t want to invest another moment doing things that are not leading me closer to His call.” I love her clarity and passion.
My suggestion to her was to allow God, in Chamber’s words, “to make [her] one of His specialists in that particular truth.” We need to pursue our great curiosities and desires through study, interaction, experimentation and evaluation. We should immerse our self into “the one great truth of which [we] have had a vision” and not fret over making it our vocation…right now.
We must not allow what we cannot do to interfere with what we can do. We can read, observe, reflect and offer what is on our heart, even if nobody is requesting, endorsing or paying us for it; even if it’s “in our spare time”, “on our own” or “on the side”.
Perhaps this is a time of “mastering” – a skill, an idea, an opportunity, a truth. What would you like to be become a specialist in? What expertise, for the Kingdom, would you like to possess?
Looking forward to becoming more than I am today,
I love the idea of becoming a specialist in an area. God has given me a word that I have been using as I meet with some buddies one to one and help them learn how to walk with God through quiet time and other skills…the word is “Simmer”.
As good ingredients go into a recipe has to simmer on the stove, God wants us to slow down and let His Word simmer in our hearts for real change to take place.
And, in the area of our “calling” It seems like letting God lead us to what it is He would have us do with our ministry life, and then letting God develop an idea, or ministry or area of focus…I have to let a topic “Simmer” in my heart, before I own the topic and can talk about it!
And, in today’s busy life, to actually slow down and let God speak to us and let things “simmer” is tough, but crucial.
Thanks for your ministry brother,
Matt Blankenbiller
Lincoln, NE
Matt, Your specialty is sorely needed in the Body of Christ. It seems to me that just about everyone is totally occupied with stuff–good stuff and worthless stuff. But when we “simmer” with Him, my experience has been that abiding in Him, walking in the Spirit, and enjoying His awesome peace is up front in us. Then our daily living is full of fruit that lasts, not just wood, hay, and stubble stuff. That the Lord has touched you with this speciality is a great encouragement to me. I pray you strongly follow through on Gary’s loving exhortation.
Hey Gary, This really caught my eye when you used the word “specialist”. You see I am in the insurance business and our agency name is “Insurance Protection Specialists”. I have always wanted to be the best I could be in anything that I did and my work has been no different from any other endeavor. Over the last few years I have built a strong community of people around me that support me in who I am, as God made me to be. Little by little as I continue my journey with Christ and others the special God given qualities keep bubbling up to the surface. We hear so many times from people that they just want to do Gods will. It is somewhat taught to us in sunday school as we are growing up. We just never learn how to find out what Gods will really is. Our God given desires are pushed back and we live a life of duty. Thanks for helping me become the specialists that God has known I was all along. See ya in a few weeks at the “Calling Retreat” in Mississippi. Looking forward to it bro. Ralph
Hi Gary,
I love this post, it touched me at an interesting season in my life. As I am walking into my passion. I find it amazing how God awakens that passion, shows it to us, and leads down that path. I am amazed how He brings people into our lives that give us affirmation and encouragement. I truly feel that I am coming closer to becoming that “specialist” that you speak of.
One affirmation for me is that sometimes I look at the journey ahead and think to myself, “Wow, that road looks hard and full of challenges or obstacles”…I get frustrated and discouraged, even think of giving up. But then something happens that energizes me and get’s me going again…really amazing!
There’s been one thing that has facinated me since chilhood, but was told to “stop dreaming and be realistic”, and that it’s “only a hobby for you”. This broke my young heart as I embraced this lie…and still now, decades later, God is nurturing this passion within me…
The thing that strikes me is “not allowing what we cannot do interfere with what we can do.” I want more of my time and energy pursuing what I can do/learn/study/offer and less time worrying about what I can’t do, or wasting time trying to fix problems I am never going to fix. Thank-you for permission to pursue my desires regardless if someone is requesting or acknowledging them right now.
If I develop my likes and interest then God will use them when the time is right.
This is such a good word! Can you imagine what the church, even what the world, would look like if everyone fully operated in their “specialty”?? WOW!
Keep the faith!
Gary, if I had on sack cloth, I’d tear it off. This right here, your heart, this message…shouldn’t be an option for people. This is a responsibility we have, to know our calling, then walk it out. Eph 4:1.
I’m sending you an email right now that further shares my desire to align with you. Keep at it brother!
I love it:
“We should immerse our self into ‘the one great truth of which [we] have had a vision’ and not fret over making it our vocation… right now.”
I love the word “immerse”. It reminds me of the word “abide” in John 15, we are the branches and we abide in the Vine, Jesus.
And for those of us like me that are looking for loop holes, the words “right now” are not a loop hole. The “right now” refers to the immersing, start right now and don’t stop. It doesn’t mean we can fret about the vocation question later. I tend to look for a formula which I can follow for a limited amount of time and then it will set everything up perfectly for me to then plug that into my own master plan for success. Not!
This immersing thing is a forever thing. And that’s good.
Thanks, Gary!
Gary – I am so convinced that I am called to offer brotherhood to other men. After reading It’s Your Call, I pinpointed this. Here in Texas, I am finding so many men who want to be a part of a band of brothers. I think I want that the most. Thanks for the articles! Keep them up please!
Hey Gary,
I was at the 05 blizzard BC. You saved the whole mission for me with you insights and I am amazed how the Lord keeps leading me back to your teachings. I want to thank you for your vision, insight and obedience to Gods calling on your life. You will never know what a profound difference you have made in our lives until Jesus shows you on the other side but I am truly grateful. Scott