“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.” ― Émile Zola (French writer)
Several years ago, at another point of bewilderment (mystery) about my life and calling, I asked God for specific understanding about what I was to do.
Instead of hearing a list of to-dos, I heard, “Live like an artist.” Once again, God addressed how I was to live rather than what I was to do – being the correct order of things. We must always put the heart before the course.
This idea of living like an artist continues to be crucial to my life and calling. When I move away from this, I move into striving, posturing imitating or a “worldly spiritualism” which values high decibels, dollars, draw and dominance.
You see, you are an artist. The glory, brilliance, splendor, strength, beauty that God has given you is your artistry. As André Gide said, “Art is a collaboration between God and the artist…”
So, the answer to the question, why are you here, is to live out loud.
Most of us live in silence or in a whisper when it comes to our artistry, our calling. Some live out loud with an emphasis on “loud”.
It’s said that people will tolerate sketchy video quality, but not audio quality. I find this to be true. I usually won’t tolerate straining to hear, nor wincing from ear-piercing, inappropriate, distorted volume.
Silence, low-mumbling or shouting are usually signs of something interfering with our natural voice – something wrong like diminishment, embarrassment, hurt, fear or shame.
Our natural volume, in tones of humility, gentleness and patience, is very powerful and beautiful.
Scripture says, “You are a letter from Christ…read by everyone…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” 2 Cor. 3:2
We need to live out loud! Jesus wants to speak to the world through the artistry that He has given us that He has embedded in our heart which works most beautifully and powerfully in us.
So, let’s live out loud together and let the world clearly hear the artful words that Jesus written on our heart.
Like Your first post on “Live Like an Artist”, I really needed this today. It really touched some deep things the Lord has been doing and I appreciate it immensely. Another major journal topic!
This word is timely, as just last nite I thought and spoke out that I wasn’t going to “live my loud” in my workplace anymore or next time. In other words I wasn’t going to be the real me. I had made an agreement. Not living out loud is a shroud over my glory. Thank you Gary.
Spoken like a true artist.
I needed this today. I lead a staff meeting every month and over the past year I have decided that I didn’t want it to look like the typical “business” meeting. So, I take the first 20 minutes to share something from my heart. I usually apply it to the work setting, but I always point the staff to look within themselves. I don’t get a lot of comments about what I’m doing but I know it is the one time per month where I feel I’m in the place that I was created for. Each month I wonder if I should continue and your blog confirms that I must live as an artist. Unfortunately, artists are often misunderstood but we do make life a little more interesting. Thanks for your words, Gary.
Divine appointment to hear your words. Your video was beautifully done, by the way. Thank you.
I was participating with an “Art for the Soul” session last week. As the group gathered at the end to discuss our creations, the leader looked at mine and asked, “Are you an artist?” I hesitated about five seconds, and then answered yes. What took so long to respond was the memory of my father telling me that my desire (one of three I mentioned) to become an artist wasn’t realistic. He said I couldn’t raise a family as an artist. (I was age 10.) I believed him. Because I don’t make a living as a professional artist (or athlete, or photographer, or dancer, or minister, or fly fisher)I felt I couldn’t “own” these labels as who I truly am. The lesson I learned is that only our Creator can reveal who we truly are: sons and daughters of the Great Artist. We cannot help but be artists in His image…loudly.