Sheer Beauty with Leigh Barkalow
Sheer Beauty is a retreat inviting women to a deeper, more true and lasting beauty in the Kingdom of God. This kind of beauty, not easily come by, is born out of the trials and testings, the triumphs and the tragedies of the reality of the story we find ourselves living in. A life of sheer beauty is found in the dreaming, the dying, the surrendering, the training, the bowing down and the rising up, the running and finally the reigning with Christ in this life and in the age to come.
Sheer beauty is our true inheritance. By God’s hand our identity is imparted and yet the call on our lives is hard fought for. Sonship is bestowed by our Father and costs us nothing, but walking in our true glory costs us everything. Being a princess in the Kingdom is a gift, but becoming a queen and reigning with Jesus is a destiny long chosen.
We begin this life with God by faith, but we finish the race by faithfulness…During this retreat, we will explore where we find ourselves in God’s story and in light of the hour we are currently living, what it will look like to gain this kind of beauty and answer the call…”For such a time as this…”
The retreat begins Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon.
What Others Are Saying:
“It opened my heart and made it shiny and new again, to love Him and to live for Him only, to offer myself in surrender to Him. It has made me feel beautiful, desired, worth fighting for, worth pursuing, worth having and worth keeping. He made me feel loved, to feel like me again.”
“I loved Leigh’s sense of humor, the movie clips, the music, her stories, her message and her beauty.”
“God has shown me His incredible, indescribable beauty. He has bought not only my soul and spirit, but my heart with the wonder of who He is. I am sold out completely.”
“I identified my natural fallen Eve habits – the way I respond to things in sin and wounding. I have lost my shimmer but feel I can now work at getting it back.”
“I have been reminded of my place in Him and am filled with awe.”
“Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul.”
-Thomas Merton