God brought you into this world with something that is weighty, beautiful, strong, brilliant because it is needed.
- After all, you are His image bearer.
Your best days, your most glorious moments are when you are living and offering who you really are.
- After all, you have been, and are being, set free.
Of all the things you could be or do, this one effect that God has created you to have is what brings you the most joy and touches others the most deeply.
- After all, as you walk with God, He will give you the desires of your heart and a fruitful life.
Your God-designed effect, your calling is also the thing that feels the most vulnerable in your life and seems to be the most afflicted.
- After all, you have been commissioned and consecrated for an essential part in advancing God’s light in this dark world.
Your God-given effect, your brilliance is the thing that is most consistent about you. It may change in appearance through the years, but at its core it is the same thing – because it’s you.
- After all, you are becoming more restored and released.
Your true effect, your calling is your craft, your artistry, your compelling, your masterpiece, not simply your hobby or pastime.
- After all, God has called us His “skilled workmanship”, His “masterpiece” that He is still “completing”. We are to put the same time, effort, development into the artistry He has given us to offer to the world.
The existence of calling in our lives is affirmation of God’s fatherhood and love for us. His invitation to a lifelong conversation. To be bereft of calling would be to lose the image of God in us. To forsake calling would be akin to a caterpillar choosing to remain flightless.
Thanks, Gary, for the encouraging “after all” reminders…
Your welcome, Micheal.
This is so timely, thankyou again, Gary, for communicating these truths to us.
“your calling is also the thing that feels the most vulnerable in your life”
Isn’t that so strange, it’s almost like we want to hide away the most important part of our lives, there are all these fears attached to it. Instead we have to feed and nurture this artistry.
I write worship songs and I have a bunch of them I have never sung to anyone except Him, but after reading some of your stuff I started to do something about it and I finally recorded one with a friend and put it on youtube earlier this year. A first step in discovering what God has in store.
Way to go Craig. Just keep following God’s trail of desire. Your story is encouraging to hear. Thank you.
Very timely encouragement. Thanks, Gary.
Jared, you are very welcome. I’m glad I’ve encouraged you. You have done so for me.
Perfect Timing Gary!!!!! Thanks for your life! It weighs alot!! And I know it cost you alot!!! Thanks!!! The effect you have had on my life is HUGE!!
Wow, Thomas. Your strength of emotion has touched me deeply. This is what I hope is the effect of my life.
This is very timely for me, especially after a whirlwind trip w/ my wife to celebrate Thanksgiving in NYC for 4 days w/ most of our kids. While it was wonderful – on many fronts – it was certainly not our routine holiday celebration. As I enter back into post-holiday life, I must admit that I feel disoriented. So this is particularly helpful to me as I choose to align myself with God’s heart in this season. Thanks so much for continuing to offer yourself, your thoughts and the weightiness of your life!