Guest blog by Jeff Andrechyn.
This is the busiest time of the year at US Airways where we capitalize on the unassailable human desire to return home; and nothing activates this homing beacon we all carry better than the holidays. We fly college students, young families with their little ones, and soldiers home. They will risk being hurled into the atmosphere in a thin metal tube surrounded by 60,000 pounds of jet fuel attached to two rockets to satisfy this deep human need to return home.
Why home? Have you thought about that lately? Why on our continuing journey forward are we compelled to return home where we hope nothing has changed? We hope our parents vitality is as strong as when we were 12 years old. We hope our friends will be hanging out at the same coffee shop, and our old teachers will be waiting after school for us to return and thank them for their perseverance toward our betterment.
Does home have something to say about our sacred journey? So many of our favorite movies from The Wizard of Oz to Gladiator have the protagonistβs main goal to return home… βClick your heels three times and say thereβs no place like home.β What is it about home and why do dying soldiers in their last breath call out for home?
Is home something we return to or is it a place we are headed?
When Mary Magdalene visits the tomb on the third day she is surprised beyond imagination to see a resurrected Jesus. She does what any of us would do in that situation, she runs to embrace Him; but Jesus has to tell her, βMary do not touch me for I have not ascended to my Father yet.β After everything, Jesus was going home to his Father.
I want to speak for a moment to every Ranger out there crossing dangerous mountains and encountering the uncertainty of open seas. You are moving out but you are ultimately returning home… to the garden, where itβs just you, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, wet with rain.Β A place you remember in your indomitable human spirit that goes way back. Your journey through life is taking you home and if you are anything like me, you are scared to death youβre not going to make it.
I have a hidden curse Iβve been living under and if I tell it to you, maybe God will reveal something in your life that you are living under.Β Remember, if you want to fly away home you have to overcome the drag of this world. I have been living under the lie of βthis is not going to end well for you.β Whether itβs finances, career, church organizations, friendships or raising kids, my experience is βnothing ends well for me.βΒ Deep down I believe my destination is up to me and I’m not going to make it.
I read an interview with once with the actor, Alan Arkin, (In-laws – Argo) where he was asked now asΒ a sage, βIf you could go back, what would you say to your younger self?β Alan said, βI would tell him everything is going to be OK.β
Wow, I love that. He was so gentle with his younger self while answering a deep question we all have.
In 1 Peter 3:18, Peter says, β[Jesus] never sinned but died for sinners to bring you safely home to God.β
For one moment I want to speak to you with all the authority heaven has granted me, I want to say to every financial disaster out there, every divorce, every disease you have, every untimely death that has touched your life with profound loss, every career disaster and personal bankruptcy, every journey intoΒ the unknown, they are all leading you home. All of your suffering will simply merge you with Jesus, your Captain, who is stronger than all of the adversity. He has been given the job by His Father to bring you safely home. You are never alone in this.
So as your Captain this holiday season, I remain in the service of my King and I bid you fly away home with me.
Thanks, Jeff. Nicely written, and profound. Though you have just given new terror to all those phobic of flying. ;0)
Thank-you for the encouragment Cynthia. Whenever you write and hit the send button you put your heart on your sleeve. I do believe our Lord is a “flyer” and was more excited then us when we discover flight. We learn an aspect of Him flying we would never have known otherwise. In his excitement He has rendered flying the safest way to travel π
Thank you, Jeff- I am going through a divorce and your thoughts are bright light in my darkness.
Ron, on my first draft I did not exclude divorce but felt compelled to add it in the finial. Ever since Genesis 1 verse 2 the spirit of The Lord has been descending into the chaos. What has astounded me the most about God is he is ever with us in the darkest moments. They frighten us but the darkness and Chaos don’t frighten Him. He will Captain your heart (however wounded) through this Ron.
Jeff, good words brother. You should write more.
Your words fire images in my mind of joy, comfort, peace… home.
Even though I share your concern “nothing ends well…” I/we know it isn’t true, though it feels that way.
“Home”, indeed !!
Jerry, for you I will write more. By now you know I would do anything for you. You are part owner of my heart π I too don’t want to live under that curse and now that its been revealed to me I look to heaven to fight it. I’m trust God to bring me through.
Jeff, as your wife, I know you have been living in the midst of the unknown for a long time…WE have been. If I look back, I see God’s faithfulness shining brightly like a beacon into today and into the future….and because He is our home and our destiny, everything IS going to end well. I also know that when you write you are not only writing to us, but to yourself as well which I love! Keep encouraging us to believe…and to “fly away home”.
I secretly knew when I met you things would end well for me. I just didn’t think it would take this long. I am looking forward to a few years of exploring so as to evoke that hidden but most precious part of your being. Thank-you for going into the unknown with me. Surely I never alone.
Thank you Jeff! Much needed encouragement for a weary overburdened traveler; almost forgot where I was going π
Thank-you Brandon. You have me smiling and don’t worry about not being sure where your going because your Captain knows where your going π
When I was 24 and engaged to an older woman (she was 40), it came out in a pre-marital counseling profile our class took(required by clergy)that we both viewed the future and getting old pessimistically: boiled down, life would be painful, hard, to be feared in later years. I was amazed at the number of people who looked forward to the Golden Years even then. (By the way, that relationship didn’t last with the older woman.)
Ironically, my view then was a reflection of my broken soul, and a mind that was affected by Satan’s lie-laced Kool-aid. Those fears for the future had tainted my life, a life poisoned by anger. I lived in a longing for “home” for decades, never happy in the moment, never seeing that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand. In many ways my youth was way more painful that what I erroneously anticipated for the future.
A friend of ours with cystic fibrosis (he’s 52) received a lung transplant a week ago (a 2-year wait)…he’s up and walking…a true miracle. With him, I rejoice in being spared from death (cancer, in my case) long enough to give glory to God, and truly, truly have a heart of thanksgiving.
Being a second-half of lifer, 30 years later, I am optimistic for the future, and am grateful for what Abba presents me with in the moment. This enlightenment has come at a great price–a cost to me, but also at a greater cost to Jesus, the ultimate healer.
Fly straight amigo, and have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
You broke the rule of writing a response that is way better then the blog. One of the most profound things that found purchase in understanding my journey this year is when Jesus is resurrected He has Thomas feel is wounds showing everyone that you can be wounded and resurrected at the same time. Your wounds have come full circle Timm adding depth and wisdom to your life and the world around. You are trusted amongst us.
I love what you wrote here, Dana, thank you!
Sorry Timm, Dana was logged in to my computer. That was me Jeff π
.. or what you wrote here, Jeff, thank you! Lol. π
I needed these words to remember that we are surrounded by others on this journey and when life is confusing, God gives us the comfort and the safety of home in the family of God where His presence whispers peace to our hearts. We aren’t traveling by plane to a physical home, but it makes my heart happy to think of you flying again, at home in the pilot seat doing what you love.
I could actually hear your Dana”s sweet voice as I read her comment! It made me miss you dear friends. Much love to you and yours on Thanksgiving and always!
As we have been comforted (and inspired) by your life. This blog started by reading Johns book OMWD whom you introduced (John and Stacey) to Dana and I. John had to also work through some lies he had been living under and he gave me the courage to address and expose mine.
Very well said my friend and very timely for ones such as me that struggle through the holidays. Just a part of the “Never Ending Show” that I seem to think the world needs and expects of me. One day I will truly be home in the arms of my Father that will welcome me with a big smile and say, welcome home, it’s good to see you.
Thank-you Ralph, I look forward to that day with you. This life is not all there is for us… one day we go home!
By the way, “Never Ending Show” is a Ryan Bingham song that speaks volumes into my soul. Look him up on YouTube and give it a listen.
I read and re-read this article, there is something so deep and profound that you touch on here. I am embarking on new things both in business and ministry right, I know that voice that says “you’re gonna mess up”. I try to focus on Jesus and take my place in him, and remember his promises to give me a hope and a future. Thanks
If we are hearing “you’re gonna mess up” then that tells us we are on track and offering more and more to the world around us. It takes so much courage to follow God. Lets form a club Craig and call it “The guys who are always hearing you’re gonna mess up,” and we can sit and encourage each other to keep going!
Great idea, Jeff. We all need a bit of encouragement every now and again. Every day, actually! Have you written any other things like this? I’d love to hear more of your insights.
Yes I have written some. They are like this, meant to be read in one sitting and they will provoke some thought for sure. Email me at and I will send one or two.
Your words pierced right through me, I’m so thankful how truth cuts and heals at the same time. I’m saving this blog so I can read it often. Thank you.
Thank-you Patrick, your words have done the same for my heart
Thank you Jeff,
Your thoughts reminded me of T. S. Eliot’s words:
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time…
And all shall be well and
All manner of things shall be well…”
Your brother,
I think TS Elliot was on to something there Tim π This idea of us going forward into new territory yet all the while returning home. In the end we were “always in Him”
Wow, this is so timely as our Monday Morning Call today!!! I can’t believe it was written back in 2013, but is so timely for me! Thank you, guys!!!
To catch you up and show how this hits home, since I had reached out to Noble Heart and connected with Sam about joining the military six years ago, I have lost a good chunk of my immune health and energy, I’ve been seriously injured twice with some permanent damage after having been an avid dancer, hit poverty and lost my home, but thank God I still have a roof over my head through government housing that I qualified for since I almost became homeless, lost my car that was totaled by a metro bus and I had loved driving and road trips… Made it through all that and then lost my beloved Dad a few months ago that had adopted me when I was a baby and is the only dad I’ve known… went through traumatic abuse from both relatives and a friend I trusted during it all. I managed to finally make my goal of getting back into the aviation industry after fifteen years which took much toil and tears and struggle before Dad died, but then just got terminated for accidentally violating a newer work rule I didn’t know about when I switched to a new base to be closer to my Dad at the time. In the same day, the DWP shut off my power which I’ve been without for 13 days now. A neighbor is letting me borrow power from an extension cord right now so I can use the computer. Through the holidays, I leaned on my Christian friends that I hoped would be Family for me, but the closest one just cut me off and abandoned me in the midst of this valley, because I wanted too badly to be with them and their families in their homes for the holidays, citing I’m not leaning on Jesus and others enough. I’m now fighting for reasons to keep on living, and the only hope I have is Heaven, and a dream that one day I can have and build my own little home that I can feel safe and secure in. Yes, I long so much for Home too. Thank you for reminding me of my true Captain, and that He is preparing a place for us. Although I feel like an outcast from even the church, and I look like less of a christian in my circumstances, I can honestly say, through all this loss and suffering which includes even more I haven’t mentioned, that I am at least becoming more like Him, who was acquainted with sorrow.
Thank you for reminding us we are not alone, even in the valleys through this journey of life here on earth.