We’ve all had the experience with our smart-phone, tablet or computer when it didn’t act like it was supposed to. It stopped doing something it was designed to do or it started doing something that didn’t make sense.
The remedy is usually to simply shut down and restart your device – to perform a RESET. By doing this we force all the programs that are actively or passively running to stop, and we clear out the memory.
The more we use a devise, the more frequent a RESET is needed.
I have found this to be true of my life. Sometimes God encourages us to press the reset button and other times He hits it without our permission.
I have seen things in myself that are unhelpful, unhealthy and uncharacteristic. While this is not new for me, it has been more acute lately. And, in some ways, I’ve felt like I’ve not been functioning properly – not living out who God has made me to be.
So, God hit my RESET button.
Reset is defined as:
- To move (something) back to an original place or position
- To put (a broken bone) back in the correct position for healing
- To put (a gem) into a new piece of jewelry
In my current RESET moment, I’ve watched things slowly power down both in my life and in the life of The Noble Heart. Without any ability to stop the power-down / power-up cycle, I’ve simply had to let it run its process, believing that God knows what He is after.
I’m beginning to see a little more clearly how God is moving me back to my original position (who I was meant to be), a correct position (for more healing) and into a new setting (so that the life of God in me and my work can be more easily seen).
Resets bring re-calibration. I have a mechanical postal scale at the office. After months of repeatedly putting weight on it, it becomes misaligned and inaccurate. I have to physically turn the needle back to its original position (zero) where it is supposed to be when it’s at rest. I could discontinue to use it because it is slightly off, but I don’t. I simply reset it and it fully does what it’s designed to do and what I need it to do.
This is true of our life and calling as well. Over time the weight of life causes us to be misaligned and inaccurate, so periodic resets or re-calibration are needed. What may feel like a season of loss during a reset is actually a season of gain.
Let me encourage you to choose a reset weekend (maybe even a week or a month). Shut down all the programs that are actively or passively running in your heart and then restart them fresh and uncluttered.
If God has initiated a RESET in your life and calling, be assured that He knows what He is after and prepare for the restart. It’s coming.
You have hit the nail on the head (for me).
I NEED to be reset! I pray that God orchestrates this for me.
Thank you
Blessings always
Ralph Garrett
God has pressed Reset with me numerous times. His faithfulness has allowed me to survive and thrive.
I’m just finishing up The Shemitah by Rabii Jonathan Cohn. We are currently in the season of God’s reset so this is a good and timely word for us believers.
Interesting insight that the more something is used, the more it needs a reset.
I eagerly await to here more about what this reset means for you. And once again your transparency blesses and amazes me.
Thank you Mark. I will let you know.
Times and seasons, God is at work to reset the vision as well! Pray for me and I for you my brother!
Will do, Michael. Let’s partner-up on this.
This post/email came at exactly the right time. I lost my job in April and have seen our finances dwindle to practically nothing…again. I’m resting in His peace and this post helped solidify that. Thank you thank you thank you for WHO He has called you to be and for how He still powerfully uses you.
Jeff, thank you. I’m grateful that the way God has encouraged me has encouraged you.
For some time now I have been in a place of closed doors in my Christian life. Hopes and expectations for open doors on my schedule and time have been silenced (or at least quieted). Definitely hard to trust God in these seasons, however He has given me reminders from His word throughout this protracted period of waiting: Jeremiah 17:7,8 along with Jeremiah 29:11-13. The message is to seek Him with all your heart. I truly believe this message is for another brother / sister facing this same place in his / her life.
Why can’t God just get things right the first time?
We’ve already has one re-set with Noah, how come he still hasn’t got things right?