I hate jargon. I’m not sure why. But I’m usually a late adopter, and always an early deserter. Some phrases flit in and out of fashion so quickly that I barely get a chance to try them on; they fly …
To download, right click here and then click “save as”: Transcendent Pursuits 2015
To listen, …
Last October (2014) one of Gary Barkalow’s sessions at the Base Camp Gathering was on Becoming Steady. Here is a 7 minute abridged video of his talk.
Key points covered in this video:
“The …
A courageous friend of mine wrote this “confession” on FaceBook and asked for feedback:
“I’ve tried to discover my calling or purpose or dream or whatever for decades and have failed miserably. …
Within the span of seven short days, I met two people who formed two completely divergent opinions of me. I could do nothing to change their rock-solid first impressions. That week of mistaken …
I’m discovering that meditation is the most powerful way to hear God. Actually, “powerful” isn’t a strong enough word. Meditation may be the most profound, deep, life-changing, heart-enriching way to …
A few weeks ago, I wearily dragged myself home from a retreat. Exhausted. The retreat was terrific, but I had slept abysmally and felt utterly spent. Empty. Pathetically useless.
I despise …
If I had just 90 seconds to help you find your calling, this is what I’d say:
1. Understand your context
There is always a context, a setting, a story. We misunderstand situations, others, our own …
Four weeks ago, I dropped my Smartphone. The screen cracked, and with it, my heart. For the first time in eighteen years, I walked this earth without my constant companion.
I’ve had a Personal …
Have you ever caught yourself slouching – standing or sitting smaller than you actually are? I do quite often now-a-days. I’m occasionally alerted to my poor posture when I see a picture …
My twelve year old self had a violent temper. My fuse was short, and my blasts of anger detonated at insults as unexpectedly as bursts of laughter explode at well-timed jokes. Without the mutually …
I like hero movies. My grandsons love them. Hollywood adores them.
In the last decade, about sixty superhero movies have been released, roughly one every eight weeks: Spider-man, Iron Man, Batman, …